Grado: 13-15 (Tercer Ciclo)

Mi Reto Guardián

Recursos educativos para los participantes de Mi Reto Guardián 2023. Para accesar a los links de los recursos adicionales tienes que descargar el documento.

Jardines Polinizadores

Manual sobre diversos tipos de plantas que atraen polinizadores y cómo este tipo de jardines nos ayudan a avanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

Sustainable Costa Rica

1. Understand the important information in simple, clearly drafted printed materials. 2. Sustain a conversational exchange in the classroom. 3. Express opinions about the fragile world, welcoming questions and others’ opinions. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it important to focus on sustainable development?

Recyclable and nonrecyclable materials

1. Understand the main point of a video. 2. Classify materials as recyclable and nonrecyclable using illustrations. 3. Indicate which items can be recycled, reused, and reduced.  Essential Question: Why is it important to focus on sustainable development?

Rainforest 101

1. Understand simple explanations if given slowly and clearly. 2. Engage in the writing process for simple publications.  Essential Question: What are rainforests and what happens if they disappear?

Movimiento guardianes

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