Grado: 15-18 (Educación Diversificada)

Jardines Polinizadores

Manual sobre diversos tipos de plantas que atraen polinizadores y cómo este tipo de jardines nos ayudan a avanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

Sustainable Costa Rica

1. Understand the important information in simple, clearly drafted printed materials. 2. Sustain a conversational exchange in the classroom. 3. Express opinions about the fragile world, welcoming questions and others’ opinions. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it important to focus on sustainable development?

Rainforest 101

1. Understand simple explanations if given slowly and clearly. 2. Engage in the writing process for simple publications.  Essential Question: What are rainforests and what happens if they disappear?

Renewable Energy Sources

1. Identify the main idea of audio text about our sustainable world.  Essential Question: Why is it important to focus on sustainable development?

Wonders in Costa Rica #1

1.Understand the most important information in short narratives. 2. Suggest different things to do, places to go in his/her country. 3. Describe familiar places and tourist attractions using simple vocabulary and language constructions.

Wonders in Costa Rica #2

1. Suggest different things to do, places to go in his/her country. 2. Describe familiar places and tourist attractions using simple vocabulary and language constructions.

Reducing our Waste #2

Understand the important information in printed materials, with some understanding of sustainable development. Describe events, such as sustainable practices, using complete sentences óthat are connected to each other..

Movimiento guardianes

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