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El corazón de la economía circular

Educamos las presentes generaciones a movernos hacia una economía circular copiando así a nuestra sabia madre naturaleza que circula recursos sin crear residuos.

Where do Animals Live #2

Identify animals and insects and where they live. Repeat full questions and answers using where and live. Create from playdough and speak simple words and sentences about their favorite animal.

Forces of Nature #1

Essential Question: How does nature help us? Recognize spoken words that have been covered in previous lessons. 2. Name common items and objects (flora and fauna) in familiar environments 3. Pronounce individual letter sounds.

Wonders in Costa Rica #1

1.Understand the most important information in short narratives. 2. Suggest different things to do, places to go in his/her country. 3. Describe familiar places and tourist attractions using simple vocabulary and language constructions.

Wonders in Costa Rica #2

1. Suggest different things to do, places to go in his/her country. 2. Describe familiar places and tourist attractions using simple vocabulary and language constructions.

What we should do with our trash? #1

1. Use knowledge of first language to aid in understanding the second language. 2. Describe, using simple words, their opinion of a situation or event (e.g too much trash, ugly litter, dumping garbage). 3. Understand simple procedural explanations if given slowly and clearly.

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